Who We Are

Pizza Island is a cartoonists’ studio in Greenpoint, Brooklyn consisting of:

Kate Beaton is best known for her comic Hark! A Vagrant.  She has also had comics and illustrations in Harper’s, the New Yorker, the Walrus, and the National Post.  Her jokes are mostly about history but sometimes they are about other junk.  She comes from Canada and has been described as “Canadian” because of it.

Domitille Collardey is a cartoonist from Paris, France, who recently moved to Greenpoint. You can usually find her self-published mini “What Had Happened Was…” at Desert Island in Brooklyn. She is currently working on an adaptation of the novel “The Suicide Shop” by Jean Teulé for French publisher Delcourt. See more of her work at domitille-collardey.com

Sarah Glidden’s first full-length comic book, How to Understand Israel in 60 Days or Less, was published by Vertigo in November 2010. She is now at work on her second non-fiction comic book, tentatively titled Stumbling Towards Damascus, which is about journalists reporting on Iraqi refugees in Syria (among other things). Her work has also appeared in Syncopated: An Anthology of Non-Fiction Picto-Essays and I Saw You: Comics Inspired by Real Life Missed Connections. She lives in Greenpoint and has a website at smallnoises.com but no cats.

Meredith Gran is a cartoonist and animator who is currently drawing the webcomic Octopus Pie (http://www.octopuspie.com). She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Lisa Hanawalt is from the SF Bay Area and does illustrations + funnies for publications like McSweeney’s, Vice Magazine, and Chronicle Books. She’s best known for her Ignatz Award-winning comic, I Want You. She lives in Greenpoint with a dog and a man. More:www.lisahanawalt.com

Julia Wertz is an autobiographical cartoonist from the San Francisco bay area. She lives in Greenpoint with a cat, Jack, who’s a total asshole. Julia is creator of unfortunately titled comic books the Fart Party Vol 1 & Vol 2 and Drinking at the Movies. For new comics weekly, visit  juliawertz.com. She can be reached at juliajwertz(at)gmail(dot)com